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Please give generously! Rev. Daniel N. Dhaene lives on an Island, has no car, no Motorcycle, no telephone lines; as a matter of fact, he struggles to keep his mission going, as thus far there is very little financial support! He therefore reaches out world-wide for help, hoping and praying that people have enough love in their hearts to help out. At 77 years of age, he still remains very active amongst the poor, and in the prisons. So he needs your prayers, financial support, and any gifts you can send such as: Bibles, Christian litterature, Christian movies, (VHS_DVDs) light clothing,(all sizes) sandals, shoes, toys, dolls and the like. There are no phone lines on the Island where our mission is located. Internet connections therefore are from an Internet Cafe! We would very much like to purchase a Satelite Disk, to communicate better in a variety of ways. In the Philippines that costs around 28,000 Pesos, At the rate against the U.S. Dollar (43 pesos per Dollar) it is out of reach for us as a mission! Can you help us out? One cannot help but wonder why TV Preachers who put on a good show standing in front of the cameras with $600.00 suits, rake in millions of Dollars and Euros, and a missionary, gets no support at all. Why? We are not here dealing with self-enrichment as some of the scams on the Internet, but, a world-wide outreach for the prison ministry! I realize that people are very reluctant to send money to missions, due to the usage of some people who constantly roam the Internet, to fool people. We are 100% on the level, and open to scrutiny and investigation! Check with the Lucena Police Department, the local Mayor, the Governor of Quezon Province, to see if we are genuine workers amongst the prisoners and the poor. You can send your donations (however Small) to: Rev. Daniel N. Dhaene The Open Bible Christian Mission, Brgy Barra, Purok 3, Lucena City 4301, Quezon Province, Philippines. To date my Dear Friends no financial support has come in. One would think that humanitarian Christians would find it in their heart to help. Surely, if everyone of them would give; no matter how small it might be, we could move mountains! Thank you, and God Bless You! Love Of Neighbor is essential for helping this Ministry! "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself..." Matthew 22: 37-38. Our Mission: To honor God by leading people in prison to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, and make sure that they will not repeat the things that brought them there in the first place. Fellowship... "Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22: 39. Love one another - John 13: 34-35 Serve one another - John 13: 14 Encourage one another - Hebrews 3: 13 Our Purpose: The Prison Ministries for Christ exists to share the good news of Jesus Christ, connect believers of the family of God, to enable them to help support this ministry to the prisoners, so we can help them grow in their faith, as they are taught the Word of God, and discover how through this vital ministry they can honor God with their lives. Our Core values: We value loving God in Christ. He is our highest priority in life! We value people, and that includes prisoners. People matter to God, and should matter to us as Christians as well! We put a high value on the Holy Scriptures. God's Word stands forever, and never fails! We highly value true application of Scripture in our ministry. Teaching God's Word to prisoners is for life-change! We value growth in Christ and desire to see real Christ-followers grow! We value service rendered, as we believe that every Christian is a Minister! We value unity with diversity, as we aim to focus on the things that unite us, and not on the things that tends to divide us in Christian goals and loving purposes! Let us therefore cooperate fully with local and possibly foreign teams in our world-wide outreach to Christians in order to mobilize them in doing away with Spiritual Emptiness, corrupt Leadership, Extreme Poverty, Pandemic Diseases and Illiteracy and Lack of Education, that brings some people to the lowest level, and places them in prisons. Help us to: Provide hope and financial assistance to accomplish that goal.
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